
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lucena in a nutshell

So I wanted to post this website for anyone who wants to learn more about Lucena, Spain:
This website has some great info the the small city that I will be living in until June 2011 so check it out!

Monday, July 19, 2010

2 months!

Only 2 months until I leave for Spain! This is too exciting. I finally got all my paperwork for my passport sent out...hopefully I will get my VISA before I leave ;) By the way if you EVER have to apply for a VISA make sure to take about a week off of work- I swear I spent about 40 hours just getting all the paperwork ready and trying to figure out what paperwork was needed (I was getting instructions from two different sources). Being that I'm a first child, type A and German (what a combo lol) only caused a lot of stress trying to figure out what it means to legalize a document (not notarizing but legalizing- very confusing and I still have no answer). Anyhow I feel that I am now an expert so if you plan on getting a student VISA feel free to ask me questions!

Now that I have put all the paperwork in the mail (and hopefully it reaches its destination ASAP...don't you just love USPS) I am now looking into a place to stay in Spain. The best website I've found so far is . That particular link brings you to the English page for Cordoba so if you're looking for a different city you just have to look for it on the left hand side of the page. It is all in Spanish as soon as you get into the website (the first main page you can display in English) but even if you can't read Spanish just use Google translate- they do a decent job. just like Craigslist but all in Spanish and actually lists Cordoba, which is the closest "large" city from where I'm staying. I'm guessing I will be having to live in a hostel for the first week of so after arriving to Spain so if you have any tips about staying in a hostel please let me know. I will let you know more as it comes!