I LOVE Sundays here in Spain. Nothing is open so I am “forced” to stay in my house which is good for me because I’ve now deemed it my “domestic housewife” day lol just meaning it’s the day that I clean my whole apartment, do laundry and some cooking. And now that it’s starting to be rainy out, the fact that there’s nothing to do on Sundays is a great excuse for me to stay inside…where its warm…well at least a little warmer.
So today I decided to retry making the Spanish Tortilla, with a recipe this time, and it turned out great. Along with the tortilla I also made some more of the spinach & breadcrumbs mix as well as a variation on tuna salad (I found the recipe on a great website that has tons of Spanish food AND pics! Check it out at: http://www.adelgazar.net/cocina/recetas.htm ). Tonight I will also be re-making the stuffed pork loin and I’m hoping it will come out prettier this time. Check out all the pics on my “cooking” page which is listed right above all my posts…and under the “spain, spain, spain” title. GO LOOK!!!
Well I suppose I should fill you all in on the rest of the week.
Let’s start with Wednesday, right after I posted the last post. I did head to pilates class right after my posting but got there (15 min early) and it was already full- there’s a 20 person max- so I’ve learned my lesson and will be earlier next time. No big deal though because this would give me some downtime to relax. I also had 2 English conversation classes that night too but the first one canceled (she was sick) so I had 3 hours all to myself! It was great and I caught up on some desperate housewives and modern family while getting my chocolate binge (thick hot cocoa and bread covered in Nutella)! Haha
Then the next day (Thurs) I got to sleep in since I don’t work until noon! After work I went to Elena’s house (she’s now deemed my Spanish mom) and had lunch with the family. I love it when she cooks because I always get to try things that I’ve never tried before (like the morcilla)! After lunch I headed to my first spinning class- I’m not planning on going twice a week because I absolutely loved it and the instructor is great (she’s always the same instructor I have for pilates). I ended up skipping pilates that night (thinking my body would hate me the next day if I did both spinning and pilates) and went to my friend Steven’s place to help him with his blog (I don’t know if I’ve mentioned him before but he’s from Pennsylvania and doing the same program here as me). After doing that I finally went home and did what??? Got ready to go out of course! I mean its Spain- what else would you do with your free time?!?! Thursday night is a kind of a big night to go out. I mean not as much as Saturday but it’s about as popular as in the states (at least for college kids).
I’m so glad I went out that night because I met some great people. I met one girl who’s from Spain and learning English. She just has a great attitude and is super excited to learn English so I thought she was great. She’s also looking to move and work in the states for a year if she can so please let me know if you hear of any internships or opportunities for international people/students (I don’t think she’s a student currently though). I know she would greatly appreciate it!
With this new friend and a few other people we ended up going to about 5 different bars, it’s pretty typical to bar hop here (in Lucena at least) especially since in this city there are no cover fees. The last bar we went to got interesting because a fight almost broke out right next to me right in the middle of a conversation I was having with a guy who sells furniture. Luckily some people broke up the fight so all was good. Anyways this guy that I met sells quality furniture to many different countries (I think he said France, Africa and a few more) and is interested in expanding business to the US…we’ll see if anything comes of this :) If anything I have just made a great contact and person! I probably ended up meeting 10 new people that night which was great for me because I love meeting new people! Well, when all was said and done I ended up getting home at 5am…no that’s not a typo lol The next day…or rather, later that day I was exhausted to say the least.
Anyhow, I got to Teresa's place around 2pm and she had already started on some paella, which was delicious, and showed me how to make so VERY BASIC other dishes. One of them was just small heads/stalks (or whatever you would call it) of romaine lettuce covered with some wine vinegar and a sauce just made from olive oil and some sautéed up garlic (minced). The other dish was pretty much some big prawn just cooked with salt only in a big electric grill pan. Of course all the food was super good- like always! Also, Teresa had ordered a new macbook air and it had arrived while I was there! So I got to see the amazingly slim laptop- seriously this thing is THIN! Here's a pic with it as compared to the macbook from 2 years ago:
We also did some experimenting…with homemade granola! Teresa and Rafael (her husband) usually eat granola but made by Kellogg’s. Now I mean Kellogg’s is good and everything but homemade is ALWAYS better (well if you know what you’re doing) and its super easy to make! (I will post the recipe on my cooking page too) The granola came out SUPER GOOD and I think I’m now addicted lol. So after all the food experimentation, eating and hanging out I went to my apt to meet with my landlord. He came over to help me go buy a gas tank (since one of them ran out- of course it ran out in the middle of me taking a shower haha). I also learned what I need to do to turn off and on the gas tank…you know so my house doesn’t get filled with gas and kill me. Minor details. Afterwards I headed to belly dancing. I still LOVE belly dancing class and Friday was fun because we learned another move! After class I just went home because I needed to sleep!
I’m glad I stayed in Friday night because I ended up being out for 12 hours straight plus some on Saturday. First I had to run some errands to get food for cooking today. I also had a “meeting” set up with the man I met who sells furniture (Juan Carlos)…who also happens to be friends with Elena! We basically started at a local restaurant/bar, then to a very exclusive one (just for friends), then to a different restaurant near my apt, then a bar and then another bar…until 2am! HAHA It was kinda of ridiculous but also beyond great. The exclusive place we went to was just a little bar inside a garage and when we first started walking into the garage I was thinking “where the HECK are we going!” The place was probably about 10x15 feet big and it’s really just a place for the owner and his friends to hang out and sing flamenco. We went there to listen to the flamenco (since he was friends with the owner) and it was amazing.
After listening to flamenco and drinking too many glasses of wine (but it was so good! AND completely organic/natural, yay!) we headed to the next spot to eat lunch. This place is seriously not even 5 blocks from my place and I pass by in every time I go “into town.” We got there and they were starting to close down but apparently this guy (Juan Carlos) is best friends with everyone so they let us stay and made us some AMAZING food (even though they were already shutting down the kitchen). I don’t even know how to describe some of the food we had because it was SOOOO good. They also had some of the best olive oil that I’ve had here yet…at its only like 3 euro!!! Anytime I have someone visiting I’m taking them to this place! Just to give you all a glance at the food we had:
Well, like I said, after that bar we headed to another. At that point I was getting really tired so I only stayed there for like 20 min, if that, before I had to head home so I wouldn’t just fall asleep right there on the bar. Needless to say, I SLEPT IN this morning! Another reason why I love Sundays here!
Tonight will be pretty chill. I’m planning on hanging out with my friend Niki (the Irish girl) and then just resting up for another week, which is sure to be filled with plenty of events! I’ve also added another English convo class bringing me up to 5 hours/week right now. It’s great for me because I love talking!
Well remember to go check out my cooking page as I’m adding directions for another recipe!
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