This weekend was full of excitement. I went to a cheese festival, got a cold and moved into my apartment! Of course I will expand a little bit on each of those but before I do, I just want to point out that I changed a few things on my blog page so please look around and check 'em out! There are now little boxes below each post so you can "check off" your reaction. I can edit what they say so please give me feedback as to what may be some other fun check boxes. Also don't forget to feed the fish (on the right side of the page)- they are hungry all the time...
Ok lets start with Saturday morning:
At around 10am I met up with my, now, 2 roommates. They are two girls who will be going to school where I will also be helping/teaching. They're new to the town also so we should be just about on the same page for that and they're only a few years younger than maybe they can teach me the "hip lingo" hahaha. When we met up in the morning we went directly to go look at apartments. Since they're new to the area we had to ask where the first one was. The people told us that particular place was far but they were renting out a "flat," as they say here, right there. Within 5 min the owner showed us the place which had 4 bedrooms and it was ok but not great. We then (within another 10 min after looking at the first place) walked around the corner, literally around the corner, and looked at another place. It was a 3 bedroom apt with 2 bathrooms, kitchen, living room- EVERY ROOM furnished. We decided on that place because it was nicer. So basically within an hour and a half I met my roommate for the first time and we found a place to live...not bad huh? Check out the pics of the place- its pretty big...especially for less than 350 euros!
After already feeling accomplished from finding an apartment I had to get ready to go to the CHEESE FESTIVAL! I met up with one of the teachers I'll be working with at the school to go to the festival
After eating tons of cheese, even the very potent brown one, we walked around the town a for a little bit. There was a beautiful view of the fields if you passed through a residential area (well i guess the whole town is residential) and then of course the castle was great to look at. We didn't get a chance to go inside because it was closed (for siesta) when we were headed out. Even the walk the the car had beautiful views- since its a small town there are NO parking lots so most cars had to park among the olive trees or on the side of the road.
So today was the first day that I actually had NOTHING to do. I've seriously been non-stop, pretty much, since I arrived- which has been great but a little exhausting. Today I slept in until 11am :) and it was great. I also decided that I didn't want to be completely unproductive so I moved my bags to the new apartment- which is actually across the street from where I was staying for the last few days. I'm settled in for the most part now, I just need some hangers and a few misc. items but everything is pretty much here. It's nice to just be able to unpack my bags and know whats inside! I took some pics of the place before I unpacked so feel free to check those pics out too. The next few days should be pretty relaxed as I don't have anything to do until Thursday...when I head back to Cordoba, AGAIN...and school starts Friday. I'm planning to learn how to grocery shop here, now that I have a fridge. It's really funny how I have to relearn how to do everything here because I feel like I'm 15 and helpless even though this is so easy at home. Luckily I've been getting a ton of help from everyone so I haven't made any really awkward mistakes...yet. I will try to make a good reputation for us Seattlites.
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