I've also been on a candy binge for the last few days -I have a stash in my drawers in my room :) Now the stash is about half full lol...I think its about time to reload.
Well lets get back to more important stuff...like the shopping extravaganza. So yesterday (wednesday) I met with Carlos' mom (she's so great!) and her friend. We first went to breakfast...in a cafe/gas station...and it was actually just like a normal cafe. Not like the horrible idea of McDonalds/gas station in the states lol (well at least in bellingham)...that's just my opinion though. I had the typical Spanish breakfast- media tostada with tomate and jamon picado (the same thing I had when I went to Cordoba last week, there a pic in a previous post), cafe con leche and FRESH SQUEEZED orange juice!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm officially in LOVE with Spain...as apparently fresh squeezed orange juice is pretty typical here. All I can say is yum.
The reason we actually went to this cafe in particular was because a lot of the other places were closed. Why...you may ask? Because on Sept. 29 2010 (wed) was the Huelga General in Spain. All it is, is a general strike (huelga=strike) all over Spain. From what I've been told the strike happens mostly just to show that Spaniards are angry about their situation right now regarding jobs, the economy and what not. So basically it meant that a lot of places were closed, people didn't show up for work and kids skipped school. When we walked around there were actually quite a few places open and tons of people walking around (probably taking the day off). There was nothing crazy that happened in Lucena but it was a different story in the big cities like Madrid. We watched the news at lunch (3pm-ish) and it show people setting some stuff on fire, mobs of people preventing cars from getting through and people waiting for hours at the bus stations because buses had stopped coming through. Just what a strike SHOULD be like, right?
Well, to continue the story, after breakfast we stopped by the market. This is a market that happens every Wednesday and its similar to a flee market where everything is cheaper than typical store prices...they sell clothes, shoes, some spices, candy, fabric, purses, and other accessories. I will probably be there every Wednesday... :) I ended up buying some olives, a purse and shoes...all for under 25 euros (Did I mention I love it here???). There are definitely some bargains here- you just have to look for them. I'm planning on going back next Wednesday for sure as I need some clothes and shoes to add to my *limited* selection and my new found friend from Ireland will hopefully be joining me as well! (Long story short- she's living in Lucena also and we met when I was trying to get my student ID card in Cordoba)
Now moving on to more FUN stuff! Today I went back to Cordoba...in hopes of getting my student ID card. I left the apartment at 7am to get there for a "9am" appointment...which of course means I waited in a room with all the over 20 people who had appointments for 9am as well (this was nothing new to me...the same thing happens in the states too). When I eventually got called in the woman took my paperwork (by the way- they are actually really nice...much more so than any state worker that i've met in the states) and pretty much handed me a piece of paper to take to the bank...because you have to pay them (through the bank) for them to process your documents. I also had to get my photo taken...which was a hilarious picture, so much so that I took a picture of it for you all to see.
After eating about 5lbs of food I wobbled over to the bus station where I took a bus home. I was so exhausted that slept the whole ride back...and came back to my apartment to find out one of my roommates was going to move out- that night (tonight). Apparently they had an opening at a school in her hometown (about 30 min from here) so she decided to do that. So now I'm not sure how this is going to work but I'm just going to hope for the best. We're just going to ask around and it sounds like my roommate may know someone else looking for a place so, again, I'm going to hope for the best! There's not much else I can do. Plus I'm too exhausted from today to do much else lol. Tomorrow I start school SO...I will let you all know how that goes! And I will finally know my schedule yay! I love schedules! Ciao.
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