
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Pomegranate- te amo

Just got back from another crazy weekend in Granada…and I am exhausted! I also lost my voice while I was there so I’ve been sounding like a man all weekend- fun times. The plans to go there were super last minute but since I love Granada so much I had no problem with that! This was all decided the night before (Thursday) when my friends and I were out for out weekly tapa night. This week though, one of the bars in town was having Paella night so we stopped by there, along with almost everyone I know in Lucena!

Now getting back to Granada: I was lucky enough to have some friends, from Lucena, also going so I caught a ride with them Friday night for a weekend of staying out late, dancing with foreign students, eating amazingly delicious tapas and wandering around the city enjoying sunshine. The first night we met up with my Erasmus friends (study abroad students) for a trivia party, then stopped by the shot bar “Chupiteria 69,” and ended the night Vogue (a cheesy club full of smelly people…of course no one bothered to tell me this before we got there). I should tell you about the shot bar though- its super cute. They have it set up where each shot is 1euro and there are about 120 different ones to choose from and they’re separated into 3 different categories: strong, medium and weak. They also give you a point card for every shot and you can “cash” them in for souvenirs like lighters, hats, t-shirts, etc. I’m thinking we need to start a bar like this in the states…or at least in Seattle because I’ve never seen one like it there.

some of my crazy friends
Well we ended up getting home around 6am or so and that was only to be trumped the next night. Before going out Sat night, we did some shopping on the main shopping strip and had some wonderful tapas (I don’t remember the name of the place though! sorry). So that night we basically did the same as the night before (and this time I was able to get a little souvenir from the Chupiteria 69) but instead ended the night in my favorite club- Camborio. I told yall about this before when I went to Granada the first time- the place looks out to the Alhambra and is always full of Erasmus people, therefore always crazy and fun. When we went on Saturday night though the place was PACKED…sardines in a can packed and we had even arrived “early” (early meaning 2:30am). We finally got home at 8am and we all just passed out- I’m going to need a long nap today to recover.
This week I’m going to try to also get in a post about one of my other weekend adventures from 1 or 2 weekends ago. Keep your eyes open for the next one! 

P.S. The word "granada" is spanish for pomegranate hence the title :)

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