With only 3 weeks left here in Spain I have maintained staying busy travelling! Last weekend I mentioned that I had gone somewhere…and that place was Nerja.

I had made some plans to hang out with some people I know from my town but that was changed at last minute (for some reasons that make me more than mad BUT I can’t talk about it on here without getting myself into trouble...). In the end the weekend worked out just fine so I came back all tanned and happy. If you haven’t heard of Nerja, it’s a town about an hour and a half (by bus), E of Malaga. It’s SUPER touristy so we heard tons of Americans of Brits all weekend long…Anyhow, the whole weekend was basically spent on the beach. My first day there was a bit stressful so I spent a few hours at the hotel pool, wandered around downtown Nerja and indulged in a 5-course meal-that came with my promo deal :)
part of the inside of the cave |
The following day I visited the caves of Nerja (they are natural caves that you can check out), which was right up the street from my hotel.

The place was just amazing and looked almost fake inside. With all the roped off areas and tour groups I felt like I was going into a ride at Disneyworld…It really is stunning inside though. I’m also told that in Mallorca they have some even more amazing caves to see so I guess I’ll have to visit those on my next trip to Spain. So, afterwards I met up with a friend and some of her friends with the intention of meeting for a few hours and then heading back to Malaga for an event that evening. I ended up having a ton of fun with the girls though and ended up just staying with them on the beach ALL day long. We only got a touch sunburned so by the time Monday rolled around all my co-workers noticed I had gotten a little bit of a tan YAY! We really did spent all day at the beach though at it was fab.
One of the beautiful beaches we relaxed on |
That night was a big festival of some Saint so the whole town was up at the park right next to the caves (therefore right next to my hotel) just partying it up with typically Spanish techno dance music and plenty of drinking. We stayed in town for a bit, hung out on the terrace of my friends hostel and made bets on who’s cheap wine was the best (not mine sadly). After also quickly checking out the bar scene in town we headed up to the town’s party by the caves. The place, even though it was outdoors, was pretty packed but that’s not unusual. We stayed in danced for a while. That night I even picked up a toad! He was crawling on the ground near lots of people and I wanted to save him! So I moved him over to a “safer” area haha. In the end I ended up staying at the place with one of the friends from the group until the fiesta stopped…at 6:30am.
The 3 of us with very festive mojitos and Kate with a plane old beer |
the toad! |
The next day I was pretty exhausted because I only got about 4 hours of sleep but we headed down to the beach for a couple hours before we had to go.

There was also a big festival going on that day so tons of people were dressed up in typical Spanish dresses and there were horses and carriages everywhere! There was even a “party truck” that we saw while waiting for our bus. We didn’t get to stay and see all the excitement of the day but I’m glad we did get to see some of the outfits and people. We headed home mid-day…because it took a while to get home with all the different busses we had to take. In the end the weekend was great and we all got some much needed relaxing, beach time in. Can’t wait to get back to the beach in a few weeks! (more to come on where exactly that’ll be…)
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