After I met with the secretary the program coordinator for my school found me and we went over my schedule. I also got a copy of the calendar year...and the are PLENTY of breaks yay! So now I'm starting to plan were I will travel to and when- I'm REALLY looking forward to this!
Well now for the really exciting news...
So I went home after being at the school for about an hour (great first day lol) and after about an hour of being at the house my roommate (the 2nd one) came home. She told me that she ALSO got accepted into another school and was moving out! So now I've gone from 2 roommate to none is less than a week. GREAT! Why does this keep happening!?!?! I've even talked to multiple people from Lucena and they say thats not normal. So basically now I'm living in a 3 bedroom apartment, by myself, in a city where its very difficult to find a roommate...hum. I mean even though we signed a contract and everything, the landlord I guess told them that it would just be void since we had just signed it less than a week ago...and we haven't put any money down either...
So now I have to find roommates or move out. This should prove interesting. There is a pair of students coming to look at the apartment tomorrow (Monday) but I'm having doubts because they're students (probably around 18 years old) and I don't want to have to worry about them up and moving too. So I've asked around here to see if anyone knows someone looking for a roommate...pretty much no one does...but I did get one phone number. I called her this morning and we're going to talk later because she was driving at the time. I'm hoping this will all work itself out pleasantly...please pray for me lol. I do have back up options if I can't find roommates but they are all more expensive, which means less doing stuff for me. So I'm hoping I can find roommates whether its for this place or not- plus I want to work on my Spanish anyways and I figure living with a person who only speaks Spanish may move that along. Now I'm just waiting to see what time this too shall pass...right?
Luckily I went out with some of Carlos' family, who are super nice and I always feel comfortable around, to Montilla (a nearby town) that night and was able to calm down a little. We went to what was basically a farmers market and then for some tapas. I bought my first bottle of wine and the market! I have yet to try it but I've very excited...
My burn is actually not bad in most places and is only on one side of my body (front)- my tummy is just bright red lol. The burn actually doesn't hurt, which is weird from my lengthy experience from sunburns, so it more just looks like I tried to dye my stomach with red food coloring. I've also been putting on lotion like every 2 hours because I do NOT want to deal with pealing skin. I already stand out enough and I don't want to even more by looking like a reptile shedding skin. If you have any suggestions- other than dumb ones like "wear sunscreen"...because DUH! lesson learned- then I'm all ears. I occasionally have to learn this lesson over...typically every few years because apparently I have slight Alzheimer's and can't seem to recall anything. I guess its just more like selective recall lol. Because of my slight reddish glow, I have decided to stay inside all day. Since its Sunday this will be easy since pretty much nothing is open. So this is actually great timing.
After getting back from Malaga yesterday I rested for a few hours and then met back up with Niki and some people she's met here. We went to this bar which soon began to fill with people and about half of us (about 10 people) we all English speakers. Now that is really weird because since I've been here I've met ONE person who's a native English speaker and probably two more that can speak English. Definitely not a typical night but I got to meet some cool people from all over the world, Britan, England, France, Argentina, so it was GREAT. We stayed out until about 3am which is very normal here. Even when I decided to leave one of the girls asked me if I was coming back :) I'm going to have to get more used to this. And also get used to the smoke...I think I inhaled more smoke last night than I have my entire life. Now my clothes smell, probably enough for people to think I'm a smoker...but luckily laundry day is coming up (either today or tomorrow).
Random note: At the bar we went to there was a poster up for an event happening next weekend. It made me laugh and made me realize even more how there are pretty much ONLY Spanish people here, very different than Seattle where there's a whole mix of everything. Take a look:
Today is basically a relax was meant for cleaning but I see that might change haha. Tomorrow will be the first actual work day for me so I think I should rest up...all day. Especially since its going to be a LONG week...a whole 4 days and 12 Time to go eat something and then take a siesta!
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