After school I went to meet up with a friend. Long story short, she had to take care of some medical stuff and it took longer than she thought...pretty typical is Spain actually lol. So while I was waiting for her I met an interesting man. He was probably about 60ish and at first seemed very all Spanish people. Within about 10 min of talking with me he was on to saying I'm the prettiest girl in Lucena and blah blah lol. From there it went to...well some what of an inappropriate conversation in U.S. terms. Not anything graphic but he definitely told me about what was going to happen with our "relationship." I couldn't stop laughing- and when I decided to leave to go home after waiting for a while for my friend, the man demanded that I come back so he could give me some advice. Of course that didn't happen and I told him he could tell me later. It funny that when you tell someone something rather direct like that here in Spain the respond quiet well. Then man seemed perfectly content that he could tell me later- although I doubt we will see each other much...or ever (I will ignore him if I see him again and pretend my Spanish got worse haha- GAME PLAN!).
So after that fun encounter I headed home, ate some food there (I have a problem- my problem is I am incapable of cooking for one so I have TONS of extra food at my place-look in the fridge!). Later on I had a coffee with my newly claimed second mom, Elena (Carlos' mom), and she also got me a cute gift! Afterward I spent my night watching my favorite shows- Desperate Housewives and Modern Family. I am actually addicted to those shows. Not a joke :)
Yesterday I actually went to Cordoba...ID I left my place at 7am. I was completely exhausted by the end of the day...but not for just NO reason.
I ended up leaving that evening and walked directly to the Language School- where my other friend told me something was going on. Little did I know I would be learning how to dance to Thriller that night lol. YEA. We spent an hour just working on the first 17 steps- there are over 30!- and we're supposed to perform it next week for Halloween haha. Of course it will probably be half speed and not even half the dance that we show. Oh and on top of that we only have 3 days in total to practice with each other and I can make it one of the days....lolol I can't wait to see how this goes! Well I'm off to live life in Spain.
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