Well I thought I should let you all know that today...I ate Morcilla. If you aren't aware of the translation, morcilla means blood sausage...and yes I tried it today. I was actually kind of nervous because I mean, I even pick out the blood on chicken lol. I even had a girl tell me it was really gross and super grity so that was going through my mind as well. BUT I swore to myself that I would try everything (or mostly everything) in Spain that's put in front of me. I mean I've already eaten bull penis at home (eating it was not on purpose but i dont recommend it- it's like eating rubber) so what could this hurt. I just got nervous because the idea of eating blood...well its like eating blood lol.
a pic from Google of Morcilla |
So, I tried it...and in my opinion, BLOOD SAUSAGE actually tastes pretty good. It didn't have a weird texture or anything. It just tasted like a sausage with a rich flavor. I know the name sounds horrible, mostly because people now a days don't eat blood or cook with it (except for maybe Twilight fanatics), but if you visit Spain I would recommend you try it. I had it mixed with a few other meats and some pig fat (lol I'm sure some of you are making some really weird faces right now) so it wasn't just the morcilla but maybe I can work my way up to that because seriously it was pretty good.
If you want to learn more about morcilla visit
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_pudding . There's not much history on wiki but here a mini history lesson:
Back in the day when people lived on farms and raised all their own food, people would use all the parts because they couldn't afford to waste anything. Therefore the even the blood was used in the cooking and still is in some places to this day (in Spain for example). So all you spoiled city people (don't worry I'm one too)- get out of your comfort zone and try something new! I sure did and I didn't even keel over and die haha
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